
Showing posts from August, 2023

Unraveling Manipur's Complex Social Dynamics: A Scholarly Exploration of the Manipur Conflict by Dr. A Bimol Akoijam, Associate Professor.!

  Dive deep into the intricate web of social dynamics surrounding the ongoing conflict in Manipur with our comprehensive analysis video. In this thought-provoking presentation, we bring you an insightful exploration of the factors fueling the tensions, the historical context, and the possible paths to resolution. Join us as we dissect the multifaceted aspects of the Manipur conflict, including ethnic diversity, political power struggles, and economic disparities. Our expert panel of social analysts and historians provides a holistic view of the situation, unraveling the complex tapestry of emotions, identities, and grievances. Key Discussion Points: Historical Background: Gain a deeper understanding of the historical events that have shaped Manipur's identity and its current conflicts. Ethnic Diversity: Explore how the intricate ethnic makeup of the region contributes to both unity and division, and how these factors have played a pivotal role in the ongoing tensions. Political

August 13th: Remembering Defiance - Patriot's Day in Manipur.

  Once upon a time in the region of India nestled amidst the landscapes of Manipur there was a significant and poignant day celebrated annually on August 13th. This day was known as "Patriots Day " an occasion that held meaning for the people of Manipur. It was the year 1891 when the British Empires influence was expanding across the subcontinent. At this juncture Manipur, a state, with a cultural heritage found itself at a crucial turning point. The indigenous population of Manipur had a love for their land and an unyielding determination to preserve their way of life.   Against this backdrop a series of events took place that would forever shape the history of Manipur. The British authorities sought to increase their control over the region, which led to growing resentment and resistance among the people. As tensions mounted individuals from all walks of life in Manipur came together in defiance against the encroachments by the British Empire.   On that morning of Aug